Friday, 13 September 2013

Shri Pananrusinh: South India Baithakji Number 37

Once while Mahaprabhuji was seated under a tree, Lord Nirsingh appear before him. Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya stood up and payed his respect t him and said, “why have yo troubled yourself to come heri. I was about to go and see you”

The Lord replied, “you are my very self and have appeared on this earth for the upliftment of divine souls and to sanctify all of the holy places. Please bless my temple.”

Mahaprabhu the toold Krishnadas to prepare banans in sugar and rose water, Damla asked, “why do you offer bananas in sugar.”

The guru replied, “when Nirsingh killed the demon Hiranakashyap he became very exhausted. Bananas and sugar will give him energy. Also, He is very fond of it.”

With the offering, Mahaprabhuji and his disciples went to the temple. Meanwhile, Nirsing told the head priest of the temple to receive Mahaprabhuji. After he arrived in the temple and offered Nirsing the bananas, the Lord took ;half and gave the remains to Shri Mahaprabhu.”

“Is that true friendship? You must take all.” Shri Mahaprabhuji insisted. The Lord consented ;and gave ;the guru a little of what was left. After returning to the camp. Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya spoke the Shrimad Bhagavatam and Lord Nirsing came daily to listen. There, countless souls steeped in Ignorance were uplifted by the dust of Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya’s lotus feet.
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