Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Shri Pandharpur Baithakji Number 35

By the banks of the Bhinarath river, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhachrya made his seat and Lord Vitthalnathji came out and greeted the guru. It was here that Shri Mahaprabhu was told by the immortal lord to become a householder so that He could appear as his son, hence, Shri Mahaprabhuji’s named his son Shri Vitthalnathji.

There is a story about pandarpur in the puranas were it is explained that one Brahmin pundarik use to trouble his parents greatly. Once he headed out to have a bath in the Ganges river. The divine river appeared to him as a goddess and she told him, “For that person who faithfully serves his parents. I will give him a sacred bath within his home”

Through the goddess’ grace the boy’s mind change and he felt that his real duty in life was to serve his parents. Returning home, he pleaded to his parents to forgive him for all the sins he had previously incurred. He humbly walked around his parents and bowed at their feet and requested to make their personal services. Overjoyed to see their transformed son, they welcomed him back into the household. The Lord of Vaikuntha, seeing his outstanding devotion came to bless the lad with his consort Lakshmi. Arriving there the Lord said, “Because you have served your parents with such devotion, we have come here to bless you.” The boy replied, “please wait one minute, I have to finish massaging my father’s other foot.”

Giving the Lord and His consort a mat to sit on, he went off to finish his parent’s service and then taking their permission went back and respectfully bowed before the Lord who was so pleased with him that he offered him three boons of his choice. The lad requested that the Lord always remain in his home, to always speak His names, and to have His divine sight of the Braja land. The Lord agreed and explained, “I will appear as pandurano Vitthalnathji and those people who will come to my temple here, regardless of how sinful they are will have their impurities removed. You will have the sight of the Braja land when Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya arrives here. When Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya arrived there many years later on his all India pilgrimage he went to Lord Vitthalnathji’s temple and offered seven golden coins which were made into anklets. The he took the I ad pundarik and seven other Vaishnavas into a deep for our and their after resting under a large shady pepul tree he sprinkled some water over everyone, and they all had the sight of Krishn’s eternal Braja land. When the lad ask why he was blessed with that vision, Shri Mahaprabhuji told him, “Because you serve Lord Vitthalnathji.”

Many other pastimes happened here, but these were the main incidents.
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