Sunday, 6 October 2013

Shri Dwarika Baithakji Number 60

At Dwarka, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya stayed by the bands of the Gomati river. There, Lord Dwarkanathji came to met Shri Mahaprabhu and requested him to pass the four months of the rainy season there. Lord Dwarkanathji told the head priest of His temple Govindadas about Shri Mahaprabhuji’s divinity and that he could achieve true devotion through his grace. Govindadas then brought Shri Mahaprabhuji to the temple where the guru made the Lord’s divine services.

Govindadas, anxious to hear Shri Mahaprabhuji, attended one of his discourses. When it was about to start, Shri Nathji told Lord Dwarkanathji, “your disciple Govindadas is connected with your Dwarka lila. If he hears Shri Mahaprabhuji’s discourse he will become qualified for the Vrindavan lila. You should talk to Govindadas about this.”

Shri Mahaprabhuji overhearing Lord Dwarkanathji speak with Govindadas stoped the discourse and only later when Lord Dwarkanathji explained the entire situation to the guru did Shri Mahaprabhuji become please again.

Later, while Shri Mahaprabhuji was revealing the stories of Shri Krishna’s divine rasa dance many of the listeners become so involved in the lila that they lost consciousness of their bodies. Then, some rain clouds covered the area, and Shri Mahaprabhuji considered that if it started to rain, it would upset the divine mood there. Suddenly, the serpent god Shesha appeared and covered them with his thousand hoods while all the areas around them got drenched.

After celebrating Annaduta and prabodhini Shri Mahaprabhuji headed for Gopi Talaiya.

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