Thursday, 3 October 2013

Shri Khambhaliya Baithakji Number 57

By the banks of a laovely pond, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya spoke the Bhagavatam. One afternoon a Brahmin arrived there and said, “you should not spend the night here because a man-eating ghost wanders about at night.” Despite his warning, the guru did not move the camp.

That evening, Krishnadas went outside the camp to bath. There he saw the ghost and called out, “why do you wander about like that?”

The ghost replied, “you are a great devotee of Shri Krishna; shower your grace upon me a sad degraded soul.”

Later, when Shri Mahaprabhuji heard about the incident, the guru advised Krishnadas to shower some sacred dust over the ghost which he later did at that moment, the ghost dropped its demonical form and taking on a divine body, ascended to the eternal realms.

One devotee sang,

By taking the dust of your feet a ghost was instantly liberated. O Lord, you are so merciful a treasure chest of bliss.
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