Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Shri Morbi Baithakji Number 55

Here Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya halted by the edge of the Krishna lake where he mentioned to Krishnadas, “This town was previously ruled by the great devotee king Satyavadi. The banks of this lake were blessed by Shri Krishna and Arjuna. The guru then decided to hold a discourse of the Bhagavata.

Once, two Brahmins Bala and Vada came to have Shri Mahaprabhuji’s sight. When they realized his divinity they prayed, “we have been lost in this worldly ocean, now shower your grace over us.”
After initiating them, Shri Mahaprabhu taught them about the path and told them to worship Shri Krishna. Their complete story is found in the 84 Vaishnavas accounts.
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