Sunday, 13 October 2013

Shri Gupt Prayag Baithakji Number 67

On the banks of the Madhava Sarasvati river, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya made his seat. After bathing in the river, Shri Mahaprabhuji had the sight of Lord Madhavaryji and stayed under a tree by the side of the Prayag lake where he told Damala that but at prayag, at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna lakes. The next morning Shri Mahaprabhuji began his seven days discourse on the Bhagavatam. Later, a Brahmin arrived and after bowing to Shri Mahaprabhuji revealed, “I have been meditating upon you for so long, now the fruit of my efforts has bloomed.”

The guru then asked, “where are you coming from and where do you reside now?”

He replied, “I was living at Pandarpur and daily recited the Shrimad Bhagavata and Lord Vitthalnathji became pleased with me and I requested of him to have the sight of Lord Krishna’s lilas in Braja. He said that you could fulfill my wish and that I would met you here at Gupta Prayag.”

Shri Mahaprabhuji told him to bath and afterwards gave him the sacred mantra and explained to him, “In eight days you will leave this body and will be born on the Govardhan Hill in Braja as Gopinath Gwala and my son Shri Bitthalnathji will liberate you. You will have the service of looking over Lord krishna’s cows and will experience Krishna’s lilas. It all occurs according to the Lord divine wish.”

After the discourse was over, Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to Trigardi.
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