Monday, 14 October 2013

Shri Tagadi Baithakji Number 68

Here Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya made his seat under a tree in front of a Brahmin’s house. The Barahmin had ten cows and ten buffaloes from whose milk he daily made butter. One day, after churning the butter, his wife went to the well to bring some water. Meanwhile, the Brahmin was his two sons eating the freshly churned butter. He immediately called Shri Mahaprabhuji to witness the divine thieving. The guru said, “In you heart lives divine love for Lord Krishna’s lila. Go show you wife their play.”

The Brahmin explained that if his wife saw them stealing the butter, she would beat them. Shri Mahaprabhuji told him, “Tell her about Shri Krishna and his broter Balaram’s divine butter stealing sports, then she will understand.”

The Brahmin then embraced his sons and said, “You have played as the Immortal Lord has sported. “He then described the entire incident to his wife and told her a great saint had blessed their house and through his grace they could become true devotees of the Lord. His wife’s attitude change and divine love poured in her heart for her sons. Returning home, both bowed to Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya and his wife went and hugged her sons and elated, “I am so glad that you have eaten the butter.”

Then, the guru open their eyes as well as all the other devotees assemble there and all were blessed with Shri Krishna’s darshna.

Some days after the Brahmins entire family achieved the Lord’s lila. Damala asked Shri Mahaprabhuji, “How did they achieve his realm so quickly, “the guru explained,” Because they are all personally connected with Shri Krishna.”
For there, Shri Mahaprabhuji proceed for Naroda in Gujarat.
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