Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Shri Godhara Baithakji Number 70

At godhra, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya stayed at the home of Ranavyasa. Before he took initiation, he was a great scholar of vedic literature and was very proud of his extensive learning. Once, when he was defeated in Benares, he became so depressed that he decided to drown himself in the Ganges river. At that time, Shri Mahaprabhuji was performing his prayers on the nearby banks and Krishnadas Meghan asked the guru what was the fruit received from drowning oneself in the Ganges river. Shri Mahaprabhuj explained, “That soul would undergo at least seven hellish lives and would gain no fruits here or elsewhere.”

Over hearing the reply, Ranavyasa approached Shri Mahaprabhuji and submitted, “I believe what you have just said is for my benefit.”

After hearing about the reason for his depression, Shri Mahaprabhuj raplied, “If you go on living, you can go back and be victorious. Go bathing the river, then I will make you understand.”

After initiating him, Shri Mahaprabhuji taught him his small doctrine, chatura sloki and assured him that he would how be able to defeat every pundit. The following day, he returned to the debate and requested that he had something else to add and within a short while was victorious. When he return, Shri Mahaprabhuji said to him, “If you committed suicide, who would you be able to defeat?”
Shri Mahaprabhuji then presented him with a svarupa of child Krishna which he devoutly served at his home in Godhra. When Shri Mahaprabhuji visited his home in Godhra, he initiated his wife and explained to them “The Gopis praise t Krishna’s Flute” found in the Shrimad to Bhagavatam for three days and everyone experience divine bliss. From here, Shri Mahaprabhuji moved on to Keralu.
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